Terms and Conditions

  • General Terms and Conditions for the purchase of DEOLAB SRL products and services

    DEOLAB SRL invites each user to read carefully these general sales conditions of DEOLAB SRL products and services (the "General Conditions"), before finalizing any purchase and, once concluded such operation, to print or save a copy in digital format.

  • The General Terms and Conditions govern the distance purchase of products and services promoted on the site www.horomia.it (the "Site"), owned by DEOLAB SRL, Via Enrico Fermi 12/14 – 24050 Grassobbio (BG). The products distributed by DEOLAB SRL through its Site consist, in particular, of perfumes for fabrics, ambient fragrances and various objects. Terms and conditions for the purchase of Products and/or Services offered by DEOLAB SRL through the Site are contained in these General Terms and Conditions.

  • The offer of DEOLAB SRL Products and Services is addressed to both consumer users and other users. Consumer users ("Consumer/s") are those subjects who purchase the Products and/or Services presented on the Site for purposes unrelated to the entrepreneurial or professional activity eventually carried out by them in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree of September 6, 2005 no. 206 (the "Consumer Code").

  • For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, a person shall not be considered a Consumer if, when purchasing a Product or Service, he/she expressly indicates in the form reserved for entering personal data that he/she belongs to the category of "Companies, bodies, professionals with VAT registration number", at the same time entering his/her own VAT registration number. Where no express reference is made to the category of Consumer, the provisions of the General Conditions and Special Conditions apply indiscriminately to all users who purchase Products and/or Services through the Site (the "Customers").

  • DEOLAB SRL may modify, without prior notice, the General Conditions. Such changes will be effective from the date of their publication on the Site. Purchase orders submitted to DEOLAB SRL before the publication of the above mentioned changes will be subject to the General Conditions in force at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract. The General Terms and Conditions are available in Italian.

  • Purchase Procedure - Conclusion of the Sales Contract

    The visual representation of the Products on the Site, where available, generally corresponds to the photographic image of the same and has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale, without any explicit or implicit guarantee or commitment, on the part of DEOLAB SRL, as to the exact correspondence of the image depicted on the Site with the real product, especially with regard to its dimensions and/or the chromatic aspects of the covers and/or packaging.

  • The publication on the Site of Products and/or Services constitutes an invitation addressed to the users to formulate a purchase proposal to DEOLAB SRL. Each order sent by the Customer integrates a contractual proposal (the "Order") and constitutes specific acceptance of these General Conditions. In the Order formulation phase and also subsequently, it is possible for the Customer to modify the information entered in the data entry forms at any time.

  • Should a specific Product and/or Service be presented on the Site in an area other than those intended for purchase operations or, in any case, should it not be possible to select the "Proceed to purchase" icon, it shall be understood as not available for sale. The Customer will then proceed to review the data entered in the Order and confirm and transmit it to DEOLAB SRL by clicking on "Proceed to purchase".

  • To proceed with the purchase it will be necessary to read and accept the General Conditions, as well as the Specific Conditions where applicable. Upon receipt of the Order, DEOLAB SRL will automatically send the Customer a confirmation e-mail containing the details of the Order and all the data relating to the purchase or the type of Products and/or Services requested and the relevant costs. DEOLAB SRL has the right to accept or not the Orders received without, in case of non-acceptance, the Customer being able to claim rights or claims against DEOLAB SRL di Anesa Silvio for any reason whatsoever.

  • The sales contract shall be deemed concluded (i) upon acceptance of the Order by DEOLAB SRL sent to the Customer's e-mail address or (ii) tacitly if 48 hours have elapsed since receipt of the Order (the "Sales Contract").

  • Once the acceptance of the Order is received by DEOLAB SRL, the latter will provide for the shipment of the selected Products which will be communicated to the Customer by e-mail. Each Sales Contract will be archived by DEOLAB SRL through an electronic system and can be viewed, where necessary, both by DEOLAB SRL personnel and by any third parties it uses for the execution of the Sales Contract.

Terms and Conditions
  • Price of DEOLAB SRL Products and Services - Availability of Products

    The prices published on the homepages or in the different sections of the Site dedicated to each single Product and/or Service are inclusive of VAT and do not include any possible taxes, duties and duties applicable in the Country of destination of the Products and/or Services where this is different from Italy. These costs, which differ from country to country, are the responsibility of the Customer, who shall be responsible for verifying the amount with the competent customs authorities. To the price of the single Product and/or Service must be added the cost of each shipment, the amount of which may vary depending on the delivery and payment method, as well as on the country of destination. The total amount due for the Products and/or Services chosen shall be clearly indicated and communicated to the Customer, prior to the conclusion of the Contract of Sale. The Prices reported on the Site are subject to possible variations and/or changes by DEOLAB SRL without any obligation of prior notice to the Customer. Such increases may depend - among others - on increases decided by DEOLAB SRL's suppliers. For Sales Contracts concluded before the publication of the aforementioned changes, but still being executed, the prices in force at the time of receipt of the Order shall apply.

  • Terms and conditions of payment

    Payments in execution of the Sales Contracts may be made by cash on delivery (€ 3.00 commission), by bank transfer in advance or by the PayPal system. When placing the Order, the Customer shall indicate the payment method chosen. If the Customer decides to proceed with the purchase of the Products and/or Services with payment of the price through Pay Pal, the total amount due for each Sales Contract will be charged at the same time as the order process is concluded DEOLAB SRL reserves the right to ask the Customer, at any time, to send additional information and/or documents proving the veracity of the transfer made after the Sales Contract. If the Customer does not comply with the requests, DEOLAB SRL reserves the right not to accept the Order, or to withdraw from the executed Sales Contract, giving timely notice to the Customer at the e-mail address indicated in the Order. Payment through Paypal will be made by redirecting the Customer to the Paypal site, where the procedures for transferring the sums due to DEOLAB SRL can be completed. The Customer's financial data will be managed directly by Paypal and will not be shared with DEOLAB SRL. The total amount relating to each Sales Contract will be debited at the same time as the order process is concluded.

  • Terms and conditions of delivery

    The Site indicates the total delivery time for the Product ordered by the Customer to become fully available to DEOLAB SRL, ready for shipment and delivered to the Customer. For the delivery of the Product ordered to the Customer or to the third party consignee indicated by the Customer, the times indicated must therefore be taken into consideration. If a specific delivery time is not indicated, it shall take place within thirty days from the day after the order is placed. The availability and delivery times may vary from those indicated, either due to the simultaneous access of users or because they are dependent on third party suppliers and cannot be controlled. DEOLAB SRL, therefore, does not undertake or guarantee full compliance with the delivery times indicated on the Site and/or in the Order, nor will it be held responsible for any delays.

  • No responsibility, for any reason whatsoever, can be charged by the Customer to DEOLAB SRL, in case of delay in the execution of the Order or in the delivery of the Product object of the Sales Contracts. All Product shipments will be at DEOLAB SRL's risk. The risk will be transferred to the Customer upon delivery of the Products.

  • In order to carry out the correct delivery of the ordered Products, the presence of the Customer or his representative is always required. Should none of them be available at the time and place of delivery of the Products purchased, the courier shall leave a notice of second delivery for the next working day and a telephone number so that a different date can be agreed upon. The execution of the Order will remain suspended at the courier's branch and if delivery is not possible, after 5 days the Product will return to DEOLAB SRL's warehouses. Once back at DEOLAB SRL, the Customer will be contacted by the Customer Service and will be able to decide whether to make a second shipment or to ask for a refund of the whole Order (obviously excluding cash on delivery). If the second shipment is also unsuccessful, the Order will be refunded. The relative Sales Contract will thus be considered automatically and definitively terminated, without prejudice to DEOLAB SRL's right to further damages.

  • In cases of force majeure, unavailability of means of transport, unforeseeable events, DEOLAB SRL reserves the right to terminate the Sales Contract or to split, postpone or cancel, in whole or in part, the scheduled delivery, where such events cause a delay in deliveries or make them difficult or impossible and/or cause a significant increase in their cost for DEOLAB SRL. In such cases, it will be the task of DEOLAB SRL to provide timely notice of its determinations to the Customer's e-mail address. The latter, in such cases, will be entitled to obtain the refund of the price eventually paid, excluding any further claim or compensation, for any reason, against DEOLAB SRL.

  • Diritto di recesso

    Si invita l'utente a visionare con particolare attenzione il presente articolo, il quale disciplina il diritto di recesso.
    Il diritto di recesso è il diritto del Consumatore di sciogliere il contratto di acquisto senza essere obbligato a fornire una motivazione. Se Lei ha acquistato in qualità di Professionista il diritto di recesso non si applica, tranne diverso accordo intercorso con il Venditore.
    Sul Sito sono venduti beni sigillati che non si prestano ad essere restituiti per motivi igienici o connessi alla protezione della salute. Qualora questi Beni siano stati aperti dopo la consegna Lei perde il diritto di recesso. Pertanto, le seguenti norme sul diritto di recesso non trovano applicazione.
    Qualora Lei rivesta la qualità di Consumatore (e nel caso in cui non si applichino eccezioni in tal senso previste nel presente) Lei ha diritto di recedere dal contratto di acquisto del Prodotto senza dover fornire alcuna motivazione e senza dover sostenere costi diversi da quelli previsti nel presente articolo entro il termine di quattordici giorni di calendario (Periodo di Recesso). Il Periodo di Recesso scade dopo 14 giorni dal giorno in cui Lei o un terzo, diverso dal vettore e da Lei designato, acquisisce il possesso fisico dei Prodotti.
    Per esercitare il diritto di recesso, Lei deve informare il Venditore, prima della scadenza del Periodo di Recesso, della Sua decisione di recedere. A tal fine può scrivere al Venditore ai contattati indicati nel sito, oppure utilizzare il form di contatto eventualmente presente sul Sito. Lei ha esercitato il proprio diritto di recesso entro il Periodo di Recesso se la comunicazione relativa all’esercizio del diritto di recesso è da Lei inviata prima della scadenza del Periodo di Recesso.
    Salvo diverso accordo, i costi diretti della restituzione dei Prodotti sono a carico del Consumatore, così come la responsabilità per il trasporto degli stessi. In caso di esercizio del diritto di recesso, il Prodotto deve essere consegnato presso la sede del Venditore, oppure presso il diverso indirizzo comunicato dal Venditore.
    Qualora il recesso sia applicabile, il Venditore procederà al rimborso dell’Importo Totale Dovuto, compresi i costi di consegna, se applicabili, senza indebito ritardo e in ogni caso non oltre 14 giorni di calendario dal giorno in cui il Venditore è stato informato della decisione di recedere dal contratto. Il rimborso sarà effettuato utilizzando lo stesso strumento di pagamento utilizzato per la transazione iniziale fatto salvo per la modalità di pagamento in contrassegno. Nel caso in cui i Prodotti siano stati rispediti utilizzando un vettore a scelta del Consumatore a spese di quest’ultimo, il Venditore potrà sospendere il rimborso fino al ricevimento dei Prodotti.
    Il Consumatore è responsabile unicamente della diminuzione del valore dei beni risultante da una manipolazione del Prodotto diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Prodotto. Il Prodotto dovrà comunque essere custodito, manipolato e ispezionato con la normale diligenza e restituito integro, completo in ogni sua parte, perfettamente funzionante, corredato da tutti gli accessori e i fogli illustrativi, con i cartellini identificativi, le etichette e il sigillo monouso, ove presenti, ancora attaccati al Prodotto e integri e non manomessi, nonché perfettamente idoneo all’uso cui è destinato e privo di segni di usura o sporcizia. Il recesso, inoltre, trova applicazione al Prodotto nella sua interezza. Esso non può pertanto essere esercitato in relazione a parti e/o accessori del Prodotto.
    Nel caso in cui il Prodotto per il quale è stato esercitato il recesso abbia subito una diminuzione di valore risultante da una manipolazione del bene diversa da quella necessaria per stabilire la natura, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento del Prodotto, il Venditore si riserva il diritto di decurtare dall’importo del rimborso un importo pari a tale diminuzione di valore. Il Venditore darà comunicazione di questa circostanza e del conseguente diminuito importo di rimborso, fornendo, nel caso in cui il rimborso sia già stato corrisposto, le coordinate bancarie per il pagamento dell’importo dovuto dall’utente a causa della diminuzione di valore del Prodotto. Nel caso in cui il recesso non sia stato esercitato conformemente a quanto previsto dalla normativa applicabile, esso non comporterà la risoluzione del contratto e, conseguentemente, non darà diritto ad alcun rimborso.
    Il presente articolo disciplina un ambito molto importante e relativo alle spese di restituzione in caso di recesso. Alla luce di quanto sopra indicato, il Venditore ritiene opportuno evidenziarLe che le spese di restituzione del Prodotto saranno a Suo carico e sotto la Sua responsabilità.
    I Prodotti devono essere restituiti a DEOLAB SRL – Via Enrico Fermi 12/14 – 24050 Grassobbio (BG) o all'indirizzo di volta in volta comunicato dal Venditore.